St. Mary Women’s Guild
St. Mary Women's Guild is an organize body of the church, that mobilizes and empower the women through fundraisers and community involvement.

Basic Schools
In serving the wider community and our country Jamaica, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church recognizes the value of Education and the signifant role it plays in nurturing and developing our youths in a positive direction. The church has already establish three Early Childhood Institutions and will be embarking on more in the future, please continue to lend your support.
Contact Sarah Birthwright-Forskin
birthwrightsarah@yahoo..com | Tel: 1876-451-9472

St. Yared Youth Ministry
Aim at inspiring and mobilizing our youths both internally, in the community and wider surroundings; through Sunday school and various outreach projects

St. Tekle Hiamanot Brotherhood
Powerful arm of the church that allow the men to develop projects, and maintaining the financial infastructure of the organization

Abuna Yesehaq Home for Aged
The Home for the Aged was built by His Eminence Abuna Yesehaq. Our main mission is to provide a facility that caters to the needs of our elder members who can no longer care for themselves.
Contact Haile Mariam-Chin
Tel: (876) 504-0300